Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Global Marketing - 1078 Words

Introduction In order to provide effective anti-virus protection VMTEC Sys must think globally. With cyber crime on the rise, no country should be overlooked as the next viable source of a computer virus (Muncaster, 2009). Because China has the most economic opportunities and presents the greatest threat to the personal and small business computer VMTECH Sys has identified a strategic need to establish a research and development division to be physically located in China. This research paper will analyze and review the economic opportunities and threats that VMTECH RD can expect to encounter as well as other market conditions which will affect the operations of a division located within China. Market Entry Method It is essential for†¦show more content†¦Finally, because of the economic downturn, cyber crimes are on the rise (Muncaster, 2009) presenting both an opportunity and threat at the same time. Political Issues According to the Shanghai Daily, China wants to promote the values of a socialist democracy, the rule of law, freedom, equality, equity and justice (Xinhua, 2009). Political tensions exist in most countries today, China is no exception. Nobody knows what will happen now that the wealth of the communist party is no longer filtering down to the residents of China. The economy plays an important role in driving the political issues that arise. History warns us to be prepared for such events and to be ready for political movements, which in turn, change legal and regulatory issues. The state of the economy will drive the political issues for several years to come and may or may not offer opportunities or threats to global businesses. Legal and Regulatory Issues According to Brian Rowbotham, it is relatively easy to conduct business in China today (2009). There are various legal forms of doing business in China; each which have their own tax affect. In January, 2008 China passed new tax laws which effectively increased taxes an additional 25% while phasing out tax breaks over the next several years (Rowbotham, 2009). China has also added a Value-Added Tax, ranging from 5 to 20%. Notably, most of the taxation can be avoided as the U.S. Treaty with China doesShow MoreRelatedGlobal Marketing5709 Words   |  23 Pagesï » ¿ Global Marketing Plan Yve Franks MKT/562 Executive Summary Gambit Sports Outreach Program is designed to reach the children and the residents of Haiti. Gambits purpose is to develop a nonprofit sports soccer facility that focuses on educating the whole person through education, nutrition and sports. Children are in important part of our future and Gambit wants to be able to help Haiti andRead MoreGlobal Marketing4353 Words   |  18 PagesModule Handbook International Marketing Table of Contents 1. General 1 2. Overview of Module and Module Descriptor 1 3. 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